Hydel Tourism

The KERALA HYDEL TOURISM CENTRE is a society constituted as per the Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act (Act XII of 1955) on 01/12/1999. The Hon'ble Minister for Electricity is the Chairman of the society. In God's own country'; the Western Ghats, copious monsoons and river lines together haven facilitated a civilization where the omniscient gurgle of water defines nature, living, sustenance, ethos, history and culture. For its enviable advances in modernity too, this land that is distinguished as the most educated, liberal and secular society in the country, has harnessed the power of its water resources- About 30 Hydel power stations in Kerala together actualize a total installed capacity of 2500 MW; and also offer themselves as testimonies of the continuing endeavor to engineer sustainable energy for an advancing society.